Understanding The Different Types Of Milk Formulas For Babies

Whether you’re presently breastfeeding and want to make the switch to bottle-feeding or you’re thinking about changing your baby’s current formula, aside from consulting your pediatrician, it is always best to have some knowledge about the different types of milk formulas. By understanding what these types are and their ingredients, you will be able to choose a safe brand that best meets the dietary requirements of your baby. In addition, you will help your child avoid certain medical issues that come with feeding your baby a particular type of formula that could be bad for your young one’s health.

Below are the most common types of baby milk formulas in the market usually bought by parents and caregivers:

Milk-Based Formulas

The most common types of formulas are milk-based. They can either be cow’s milk or goat milk formula.

Cow’s milk-based formulas are also either casein dominant or whey dominant. Casein and whey are healthy proteins that breast milk is rich in. According to health experts, whey protein is more easily and quickly digested while casein can take a bit longer. These proteins are essential for the proper growth and development of babies.

Most nutritionists will recommend parents to go with a cow milk-based formula first. This is because most babies will tolerate cow’s milk-based formula very well. They are also not very expensive and have variations that can help picky babies and babies with digestive problems.

Goat milk formula is a good alternative to cow’s milk formula. Many experts say that goat milk is gentler on a baby’s stomach since it has a high content of beta casein – nearly the same as that of breast milk.

Health experts, however, are quick to point out that goat’s milk formula is not a suitable alternative for babies with cow’s milk protein allergy. This is because children who react to cow’s milk protein will also react to goat’s milk protein.

Soy-Based Formulas

Soy milk formulas use soya bean as a protein source. This is a suitable vegetarian alternative to milk. It is also highly recommended for babies who are lactose intolerant since soy is naturally lactose-free.

Reflux Infant Formula

Lastly, there are milk formulas designed to help with reflux and they are often labeled A.R or Anti Reflux. These are formulas that contain thickeners and are designed to stay in the stomach to reduce regurgitation. At present, various A.R formulas contain different thickeners. The more advanced thickeners are designed to be slightly thick in the mouth and then thicken further when it reaches the baby’s stomach. However, if you suspect your baby has reflux, consult your pediatrician first before feeding your baby a thickened formula. This is because there can be underlying reasons for reflux that require more treatment than just a thickened formula.

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